Project sustainable aprons for the Bieslandhof

UPDATE: The sustainable aprons were put into use on June 10. All participants were excited!

29 mei 2024:

I’ve collected all 14 aprons today at Stichting Stunt. What craftsmanship!

May 7, 2024:

Today I brought the second-hand tablecloths to the Stichting Stunt.
They can get started!

When I visited the painting club in the De Bieslandhof nursing home in Delft in mid-November 2023, I could not have imagined that I would set up a project to make sustainable aprons possible for these *two* painting clubs.

The Bieslandhof is well known in Delft. It is a nursing home where elderly or disabled people who can no longer take care of themselves find a home. The Bieslandhof has many activities for the residents, including the painting club for both the elderly and people with physical disabilities.

To make these painting activities more sustainable, I go every week to collect dirty acrylic paint rinse water to filter and I take the used cardboard palette plates and torn plastic disposable aprons to process into new works of art. You can read about the how and why in my blog piost about More waste disposal.

I’ve framed some of the palette plates and also had cards printed from them. The paintings can be found here on the website. On Sunday, April 14, 2024, I was on the Markt in Delft with a booth during the Swan Market (a market for handmade products). All proceeds from the sales, both online and at the market itself, went towards the purchase of sustainable aprons made from old tablecloths. My friend and artist Patty Adelaar helped me tremendously and donated the proceeds from her Malle Eppies for this cause. We raised a nice amount, but not quite enough to cover ALL costs, so the proceeds from further sales still go to this cause.

The aprons will be made at Stichting Stunt, the cards are printed at Print Plezier. Both Delft companies provide workplaces for people at a distance from the labor market and attach great importance to the environment. For example, Stichting Stunt only wants to work with used materials and Print Plezier has beautiful types of paper made from recycled material.
